Seek Brands That Offer The “Full Package”: Skincare brands have to be both esthetician AND HERBALIST (no more skin care lines offering just lotions and potions or supplements with their spin on anti-aging)! Both parts of the SeabuckWonders line infuse us with fatty acids, A.K.A the Omegas 3, 6 and 9, which is great because, as we age, we are sorely lacking in these to support our collagen and elastin. SeabuckWonders also pushes the envelop by adding in Omega 7 and delivers the highest concentration of it on the market, as well as boasting Vitamin C, B1, B6 and Beta Carotene that bring nourishment to wrinkles and fine lines at the root source. It’s a one/two punch that works.

Stacy is a licensed skin care therapist and nationally known TV beauty/fashion/lifestyle expert is owner of Pampered People in Los Angeles, California and co-creator of Lifetime Network’s competition reality series “Blush.” Cox is the gal-in-the-know about the latest trends and shortcuts to affordably pamper women, men, and teens! An admitted beauty junkie with a kitchen pantry that rivals Sephora, and a closet that rivals Bloomies, Cox turned her passion for lotion, potions, and fashion into a career in 1999. She has become a household name, thanks to regular appearances on The View, The Dr. Oz Show, The OWN Network, The Style Network, E! News & Hallmark Channel’s “Marie” (Osmond).
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