If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you may return it within 30 days for a full refund (less shipping charges). Only one item in the order may be open to be eligible for return. All other items must be in the original packaging to be eligible for refund.
To make a return, please call us to obtain a Return Authorization Number. No returns will be accepted without a Return Authorization Number. A Return Authorization Number is valid for 10 days only. If we do not received the package with the 10 day period, it will be rejected and ineligible for return. A refund will be issued within 15 days of package receipt.
Packages refused at the time of delivery will be considered an unauthorized return and are subjected to a 15% restocking fee.
Shipping & Handling will be non refundable.
Return of 6 or more of the same item is subject to a 15% restocking fee. We recommend you try a product first before ordering 6 or more at a time. Products are not valid for refunds after 30 days.
For orders that contain multiples of the same product, only one opened item will be accepted. We do not accept returns on multiples of the same item that have been opened.