By Admin Email , published Dec 11, 2014
Even the most health-conscious of us will tie one on from time to time, especially around the holidays. What can you do in case you accidentally overindulge (or are planning on it)? Here are a few tips to help you feel better.
What is Happening in your Body During a Hangover?
When you drink a lot of alcohol, your body becomes dehydrated. Also your body will become depleted of a number of nutrients including Vitamin A and B. Many of us get the urge to have greasy foods when we are hung over, we should try instead to meals that are nutritionally complex to restore the balance in your body. In fact, a healthy smoothie is a great hangover meal. It will help you rehydrate which is key to recovery as well as many complex vitamins and nutrients. B Vitamins When you drink, the levels of different B vitamins in your blood will decrease. Sea buckthorn berry oil has vitamins B1 and B2. Antioxidants Your liver processes alcohol through a process called oxidation. Oxidation is a good thing because it protects your organs by getting the alcohol out of your system. However, too much oxidation from too many toxins can cause cell damage and free radicals which could lead to serious health problems down the line. Vitamin E and Tocopherols These nutrients are found in SBT berry oil and both are powerful antioxidants. They both support the liver as it processes the alcohol in your system.
ß-Carotene Beta carotene is found in green veggies and in high levels in orange fruits like Sea buckthorn. It has high antioxidant activity levels and can help your body combat the damage done while drinking too much alcohol. SeabuckWonders oils and supplements are the perfect weapon in your anti-hangover arsenal! Take our Omega 7 Complete caps or use our Berry oil dropper bottle with lots of water before you start to party. You can even add our Berry oil to your hang over smoothie the day after. If a smoothie is not your cup of tea you can always take our caps the next day before breakfast. We wish you safe and happy holidays! Don’t forget to put your health first this holiday season!