By Admin Email , published Jun 21, 2015
In honor of Father’s Day, we are going to talk about men’s health. As our parents age, we should support them and help them stay the healthiest they can be even into their elder years. Sometimes parents can be set in their ways with “old-school” thinking about wellness. We have a much better understanding of health and fitness than any previous generation, as well as a wealth of free tools that can help our families stay healthy. Being a health advocate for your parents could be the best gift you can give.
Did you know that Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men in the US?
1 in 4 men die every year from it.
There a few important ways men can support their heart health, starting today. First and foremost, make sure your Dad is getting fit! To stay healthy, our hearts need to pump. That’s right, your heart is just a muscle that needs exercise to thrive. According to the CDC, 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity per week is recommended for all adults. That breaks down to about 21 minutes per day or about 2.5 hours a week. If your dad is a senior or new to exercise, let him know that the CDC says it’s perfectly fine to do 10 minute increments. When it’s broken down in this way, we see that this fundamental part of boosting our heart health is achievable at any age.
The best part about incorporating physical activity into our daily lives, is that it helps take care of the other causes of heart disease. These include obesity, diabetes and plaque build-up which can lead to coronary heart disease.
Another crucial part in making sure Daddy-dearest is keeping his heart healthy is with diet and nutrition. Some key nutrients that your heart needs to succeed and one of those is Omega-3. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center research shows that omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and may help lower risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease.
Since the average American diet is lacking in this crucial fatty acid and our bodies cannot synthesize it from other foods that we eat, it’s smart to fill the gaps of our Omega-3 intake with supplements. Remember, supplements alone cannot do the job of a healthy diet but can be helpful when meeting certain nutritional needs. This is especially true for harder to get nutrients, like Omega-3.
SeabuckWonders Seed Oil supplements provide a great, plant based from Omega-3 (ALA). They are easy to use in a Kosher gelatin cap or for those who have a hard time swallowing pills, our dropper bottles are a great solution. Previously, it was not known if Omega-3 from plant sources where as effective as fish based ones and there was a long standing debate on the subject. New research has shown that ALA looks to be just as great as fish based DHA. "Based on the current evidence, ALA decreases CVD risk." Says said Penny Kris-Etherton a professor of nutrition at Penn State University.
This Father’s day, start a new tradition of health and wellness with your Dad. Go for a walk with him to help him get his recommended exercise and make sure he’s getting a balanced diet. You will want to have him around for as many Father’s days as possible.
For more tips on workouts for your dear-old-Dad, check out the CDC’s website today!
References: Kochanek KD, Xu JQ, Murphy SL, Miniño AM, Kung HC. Deaths: final data for 2009[PDF-2M]. National vital statistics reports. 2011;60(3). Omega-3 fatty acids | University of Maryland Medical Center- Sea Buckthorn