Natural Beauty Tips

By Seabuck Staff , published Aug 7, 2016

Natural makeup looks have been trending for the past few years. This is great news for anyone who doesn’t like to spend lots of time applying makeup and lots of money on it either. That all sounds great, but what if you are using makeup to cover up less than perfect skin? With these natural beauty tips, you will be happy with your skin in no time flat. Less than happy with your skin? Feel like you have tried everything? We have one suggestion: go natural! Go natural with your diet, products and lifestyle.


Use Natural Skincare Products

We know how powerful natural skin care products can be, so make sure to make the switch as soon as you can. Weird ingredients can cause problems with your skin. Your skin may be more sensitive than you realize. That’s the easiest part of all, so do it asap.

Whole Foods Diet

You know that your body is a temple, so start treating it like one! Take the time to look at your diet. Are you eating processed food? Are you drinking enough water? How often are you getting whole plant foods in? There are so many different ways to switch to a whole foods diet. Luckily, there are also endless amounts of information these days. Did your food come out of a plastic bag or a cardboard box? It’s a good rule of thumb to not eat boxed processed foods. Find a whole food diet that works for you and ditch the processed junk! Your skin will thank you, we promise.


You know what else makes for gorgeous skin? Exercise! Adults need at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise (for at least 10 minutes at a time) per week. Pair that with whole body muscle training activities at least twice a week and you will be golden. How are you stacking up to this benchmark for health? It may seem like a lot at first. But the benefits of living a healthy life go much further than having great skin. Though, we do admit that nice skin is pretty awesome. You won’t just look good, you’ll feel great too! If you commit to health now you will have many happy and healthy years to come.

Written by Seabuck Staff

seabuckwonders staff

Our SeabuckWonders staff writers love our 100% USDA-certified organic sea buckthorn health & beauty products (of course), and we're passionate about helping people become their healthiest selves. Keep reading for more about our company, and connect with us on social!

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