Staying Healthy During Springtime

By Admin Email , published Apr 3, 2015

Just when you thought winter was never going to end, spring is here! Even if spring isn’t in full swing in your area yet, we wanted to share some of our favorite tips for staying in tip-top form so you can take advantage of every moment of this wonderful season.

Get outside as much as possible: If you live in a colder climate, this one may be obvious to you! After being cooped up inside all winter, it just feels good to go outside and play. There are many benefits of being outdoors that are actually backed by science. Did you know that one study showed the rate of serotonin production in the brain was directly related to the duration of bright sunlight [1]. Exercising outside is also a great way to help you sleep better and can help your body get back to its natural circadian rhythm.

Outdoor exercisers- don’t overdo it: We know, it feels so great to run outside again (no more treadmill, yay!) or finally be able to get your bike out for a ride but take it easy, buckaroos! Even if you are a pro, don’t over exert yourself when the weather starts to warm up. Remember to ease into your new, more active season so that you don’t exhaust your body or injure yourself. This brings us to our next tip for staying in top shape this spring…

Spring Health Tips







It’s not summer yet, stay warm: By the way, when you are out there, taking care not to overdo it on your new sun-shiny-spring-workouts make sure to wear the appropriate attire. Our company is based in Chicago, so we know that a 50 degree forecast can seem warm enough to put the top down on your car after a long winter. Even though it is getting warmer and you have no doubt been winterized in your cool climate, it is so important to wear layers when playing outside. Keep a warm headband to cover your ears in your bag just in case the temp drops more than you expected and stretchy gloves too.

Make lighter foods and more complex nutrition your focus: Since you are going to be more active, will you also need to nourish your body more. Leave behind the heavy, hibernation foods of winter and make nutritionally dense, lighter foods your main menu option. Did you know that most Americans do not fulfill their required Omega intake? Omega 3 is not made by our bodies and so it’s important that we make sure we get enough in our diets. Some of the effects of ALA include cardiovascular effects, neuroprotection, a counter to the inflammatory response and benefits against autoimmune disease[2]. Boosting your Omega 7 may help with digestion, too!

Just remember when you're out in the sunshine take it slow, keep warm and make sure you are getting proper nutrition. If you follow these simple rules, you be able to stay healthy and strong this spring.

    [1] Roecklein, Kathryn A., and Kelly J. Rohan. "Seasonal Affective Disorder: An Overview and Update."Psychiatry (Edgmont). Matrix Medical Communications, 2 Jan. 2005. Web. 02 Apr. 2015. [2] Daniells, Stephen. "Dietary ALA Sufficient to Raise Omega-3 Levels, Says Study." William Reed Business Media, 17 Sept. 2008.

Written by Admin Email

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